- Mixed small networks - zip
- US Counties - zip
- Political blogs - zip
- Networks from the book ESNAwP - zip, Book page
- Sampson data as multirelational network - zip
- Temporal Networks
Examples: Sampson,
Program: PajekToSvgAnim, Manual
Data: Sampson, Linden, More data
- Odlis-zip, Description
- Foldoc-zip, Description
- Edinburgh Associative Thesaurus - zip, Description
- WordNet - zip, Description
- Words transformations - zip
- Citation networks - zip
- Genealogies - zip, Macros- zip
- Batagelj&Mrvar Networks
- Network Data Repository
Vertices (called nodes) and links (called edges) are in two different files, which can easily be combined to one Pajek file:
- import nodes file to Excel, sort by "new_id", replace node 0 with the next possible node number, save columns "new_id" and "name" to text file;
- open edges file in some text editor, replace node 0 with the next possible node number, replace commas with spaces;
- combine text file with nodes and text file with edges to one Pajek file.
- UCINet datasets
- Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection
- KONECT Networks